Animal breeding sustains significant losses from gastrointestinal diseases of young stock caused by opportunistic pathogenic microflora. The share of calves, pigs and lambs contracting diarrhea during the first days of their lives reaches 80 to 100% on Russian cattle breeding farms and complexes with mortality reaching 20-50% and more.
Enterosorbent –EST-1 efficiently resolves this problem.
The veterinary product offered by the Institute has the following advantages in comparison with its analogues:
Pilot production is launched.
The veterinary product is registered in the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (registration number 49-3–10.9–0241 No. PVR-3–10.9/02526 of February 24, 2011). Allowed to be used in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Authors of the solution: L. V. Kasimova , Candidate of Chemical Sciences, О. P. Panina, Ye. А. Kobzeva.
Livestock sector of agriculture needs effective, efficient, safe and affordable feed additives ensuring high productivity, preservation of farm animals and ecological safety of products.
Gumiton completely meets these requirements.
The advantages of Gumiton humic feed additive:
Development stage:
Pilot production, technical specifications, operating procedure are provided. The additive is registered in the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (registration number PVR – 2 –10.8/02357 of April 8, 2009). The usage of Gumiton is allowed in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Authors of the solution: S. N. Udintsev , Doctor of Medicine, L. V. Kasimova , Candidate of chemical sciences, T. P. Zhilyakova , Candidate of biological sciences, A. N. Panov.
In connection with a dramatic worldwide environmental degradation, dealing with issues of plant and animal life protection from main-made impact is becoming an urgent necessity. An important constituent of this major problem is liquidation of consequences of oil spills resulting from small- and large-scale emergency situations and oil and oil products spilling into aqueous environments. Currently the use of special oil-absorbing materials (adsorbents) is one of the advanced methods of oil removal from water surfaces. What we offer is a peat-based adsorbent.
The advantages of this adsorbent in comparison with its analogues are the following:
Development stage:
R&D works completed. Technical specifications and regulations for the manufacturing process are developed.
Authors of the solution: T. P. Alekseeva , Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Т. I. Burmistrova , Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Humic fertilizers are the most promising material to be used in the present economic conditions. We offer the Gumostim humic fertilizer made from peat. Small use dosage and high efficiency make it attractive for farmers, agricultural land owners and gardeners.
Advantages of this adsorbent in comparison with its analogues are the following:
Development stage:
Pilot production, technical specifications, processes regulations are available. Peat-based humic fertilizer is registered in the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (registration number 2167 of March 03.2011).
Author of the solution: L. V. Kasimova , Candidate of Chemical Sciences
The contamination of soils with oil and oil products accompanies all stages of oil production, transportation, refining, as well as sales of oil products, which presents a serious ecological problem. We offer a solution for contaminated soil purification by means of Peat Ameliorator.
The advantages of this ameliorator in comparison with its analogues are the following:
Development stage:
Technical specifications for the product and regulations for the manufacturing process are available.
Authors of the solution: Т. I Burmistrova , Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Т. P. Alekseeva , Candidate of Chemical Sciences, N. N. Tereshchenko , Doctor of Biological Sciences.
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